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/ Content / Summing up the Results of the Painting Contest

Summing up the Results of the Painting Contest

Today, the summing up and awarding ceremony of the painting contest "Bird of the Year 2023 - Golden Eagle" organized by the branch of German Nature Protection Union (NABU) in the Republic of Armenia took place.

25 pupils from 7 schools participated in the competition.

The winners of the painting contest were:

  • Hayk Sulyan (Vanadzor Elementary School No. 8),
  • Anna Ghazaryan (Primary School No. 8 of Vanadzor),
  • Sargis Tatosyan (Primary School No. 8 of Vanadzor).

We thank for participation:

- Pupils of Goravan High School

  • Narine Smbatyan,
  • Victoria Tadevosyan,
  • Tamara Tadevosyan,
  • Mane Khachatryan,
  • Mariam Karapetyan.

- Pupils of Ayravank secondary school

  • Svetlana Karapetyan,
  • Meline Mneyan,
  • Arpine Hambardzumyan,
  • Mari Ayvazyan,
  • Sergey Vardanyan,
  • Alex Dadikyan,
  • Alexander Vardanyan.

- Students of Amberd High School

  • Yeranui Mkrtchyan,
  • Gayane Gabrielyan,
  • Mane Babayan,
  • Melania Khachatryan,
  • Ripsime Grigoryan.

- Pupils of Vanadzor Primary School No. 8

  • Gor Sulian,
  • Maria Gevorgyan.

- Pupil of school No. 2 of Ayntap, Alla Poghosyan.

- Pupil of school No. 24 after G. Chaush, Vanadzor Anna Galstyan.

- Pupil of school № 21 of Vanadzor city, Liya Gasparyan.


We would like to express our special gratitude to the management and teachers of the participating schools for their care.

The contest was held within the framework of the "Bird of the Year" environmental education campaign.