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Open Lesson "Ecotourism"

This time, in the frame of the Eco club, we will host a course on "Ecotourism."

Key points of the course:

  • Ecotourism, concepts, and definitions;
  • Ecotourism in Armenia: service providers, infrastructure;
  • biodiversity and protected areas;
  • Interaction between ecotourism and biological tourism.

The course will be conducted by experienced researcher, mountain guide, and course leader Vahagn Vardumyan.

The meeting will take place over 2 days: on November 13 at 19:00 and on November 14 at 17:00, at 18 Isahakyan Street, Room 2.

Seats are limited, so pre-registration is required. Please send us a direct message on our Facebook or Instagram page to register.

Please note that the club operates within the "Clean Future" programme funded by the German Federal Foreign Office.